"excerpt": "How contagious is Covid-19 compared to other diseases? This graphic illustrates the number of people which are infected on average by a person suffering from a disease (e.g. measles, influenza, Ebola...). ",
"creationDate": "2020-03-26",
"permalink": "https://ednh.news/contagious-diseases-compared/",
"language": "en",
"categories": "Coronavirus",
"media": "Webgraphic",
"imageFeatured": "https://ednh.news/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/KINA_Lachen_ueber_da_64808821.jpg",
"status": "publish",
"authorId": "8",
"author": "dpa"
"excerpt": "How contagious is Covid-19 compared to other diseases? This graphic illustrates the number of people which are infected on average by a person suffering from a disease (e.g. measles, influenza, Ebola...). ",
"creationDate": "2020-03-26",
"permalink": "https://ednh.news/contagious-diseases-compared/",
"language": "en",
"categories": "Coronavirus",
"media": "Webgraphic",
"imageFeatured": "https://ednh.news/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/KINA_Lachen_ueber_da_64808821.jpg",
"status": "publish",
"authorId": "8",
"author": "dpa"