Berlin - The general secretary of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) said early Wednesday he was satisfied after potential coalition partners met in Berlin and agreed on financial and tax goals for a new government.

No new debt

"It was a long evening, but it was worth it," said Peter Tauber, after emerging from a round of talks with other conservatives and representatives from the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and the Greens.

Tauber said that negotiators agreed that Germany should not create any new debt and that a levy on income and corporation tax to help cover the costs of German reunification should be abolished.

A turning point for Germany

In one of the coalition agreements, a list of tax relief measures was also included. The Greens have abandoned in Berlin and agreed on financial and tax goals for a new government policy goal of levying a tax on the super rich.

Parties did not reach an agreement on issues relating to Europe, Tauber said, adding that representatives would revisit the topic on Thursday.

"That was a very, very good evening, that's why I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again on Thursday," Tauber said.

FDP leader Christian Lindner tweeted that the preliminary agreement could mark a "fiscal turning point" for Germany.

Jamaica coalition: the only option

The untested three-way alliance with the Greens and FDP - the so-called Jamaica coalition - is currently the only option available for Merkel.

Her CDU party and its Bavarian ally, the Christian Social Union (CSU) lost voter support in the country's September election and her current coalition partner, the Social Democrats, decided against joining the new government.

 "excerpt": "Germany's would-be coalition partners agree on the fiscal priorities of a possible new government.",
 "creationDate": "2017-10-25",
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 "language": "en",
 "categories": "Elections",
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 "status": "publish",
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 "author": "dpa"