Turtles who mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, whale stomachs filled with plastic and abandoned fishing nets in which fish become trapped and die. Find here our new webgrafic and see how plastic makes its way into the ocean:

 "excerpt": "The millions of tonnes of plastic that end up in the world’s oceans pose a threat to marine animals. How does it get there? The following graphic shows a selection of possible sources. ",
 "creationDate": "2019-12-16",
 "permalink": "https://ednh.news/so-gelangt-das-plastik-ins-meer/",
 "language": "en",
 "categories": "Environmental pollution",
 "media": "Webgraphic",
 "imageFeatured": "https://ednh.news/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/191216-99-164466.jpg",
 "status": "publish",
 "authorId": "8",
 "author": "dpa"