

Platformunk adatokat és információkat szolgáltat a közérdeklődésre számot tartó európai uniós témákról.

A projekt az AGREPRES, AFP, ANSA, ANP, dpa és TT hírügynökségek együttműködése, amelyek az EDNH portálon (European Data News Hub) keresztül öt nyelven tesznek közzé fotókon, videókon, hanganyagokon, interaktív grafikákon, infografikákon és szöveges cikkeken alapuló hírcsomagokat.

Célunk naprakészen tájékoztatni a médiát és más felhasználóinkat az uniós témákat illetően, ugyanakkor ösztönözni szeretnénk a párbeszédet a világot formáló eseményekről, a környezetvédelemtől kezdve a migráción át a munkaerő-foglalkoztatással kapcsolatos problémákig. A projektet támogatja az Európai Bizottság, a portál tartalma azonban pártatlan. Az AFP, az ANP, az ANSA, az dpa és a TT saját hálózatán keresztül, ugyanakkor számos újság, rádió- és televízióadó révén terjeszti a tartalmat világszerte. 


The German Press Agency dpa is a trusted, accurate and independent provider of news with the digital and multimedia content to power the media at home and abroad. Our customers benefit from the extensive global network of correspondents and editors maintained by Germany's leading news wire. News gathering is completely free of outside influence which in turn guarantees that coverage lives up to the strict requirements of the dpa charter: This document lays down that reporting must be free of bias and unfettered by political, economic or governmental ideologies. Print media, radio stations, online and mobile communication providers in more than 100 countries rely on this journalistic excellence around-the-clock. Among dpa clients are parliaments, governmental and non-governmental organisations as well as businesses and public relations agencies. They all derive news content from the wide range of products and services provided by the dpa group of companies.

Agence France-Presse (AFP)

AFP is a global news agency delivering fast, accurate, in-depth coverage of the events shaping our world from conflicts to politics, sports, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and technology. With 2,300 staff spread across almost every country, AFP covers the world 24 hours a day in six languages. AFP delivers the news in video, text, photos, multimedia and graphics to a wide range of customers including newspapers and magazines, radio and TV channels, web sites and portals, mobile operators, corporate clients as well as public institutions.


ANSA is the leading Italian news agency and among the top news agencies worldwide. It is a cooperative owned by Italy's major national newspapers. Its mission is to gather, publish, and distribute news items and every other related communication service in real time to the partners, to the civil service and to private companies. Founded on January 13, 1945, ANSA provides full and up-to-date coverage of Italian and foreign news thanks to newsrooms and correspondents in every one of Italy's 20 regions and in more than 70 countries around the world. Thanks to its widespread presence in Italy and abroad as well as key partnerships with international media, ANSA is on location wherever events are taking place, when they are taking place. ANSA provides over 3,500 news items, more than 1,700 photos and 60 videos a day from Italy and the world, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in six languages: Italian, English, Arab, Spanish, German, and Portuguese. This continuous flow of daily information is distributed via every informational channel – from traditional media to the web, from mobile phones to tablets – in response to user and market needs. ANSA's founding values of independence, trustworthiness, and timeliness have confirmed it over the years as a leader on both the national and international newsgathering and information front.


AGERPRES National News Agency is the first news agency of Romania, established in 1889, having broadcast news and information without interruption since 1921. During its existence, AGERPRES has represented the main source of information of Romania and abroad regarding Romania, being one of the trendsetters of media standards of high-level events coverage, of documenting the most important events and of national media monitoring. AGERPRES holds the largest and most valuable photography archive in Romania, comprising nearly nine million photographs. Among the AGERPRES services are worth mentioning: the specialized news streams, the press photography services and archive, press monitoring, the video and multimedia services, as well as the documentary stream. AGERPRES is a member of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA), of the Association of the Balkan News Agencies (ABNA-SA), and also a member of the Black Sea Association of National News Agencies and has partnerships with over 40 news agencies worldwide.


Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau (ANP), the largest news agency in the Netherlands, has been a supplier of fast, factual and reliable news to all Dutch news publishers for over 85 years. Since its foundation in 1934, ANP has been committed to be the independent source for fact-checked news. Almost every Dutch news medium - from newspaper to talk show, from news site to radio show - uses news from ANP. With an editorial staff of 130 people and dozens of photographers, ANP makes 250 factual news reports, 1.500 news photos, 115 radio broadcasts and the news agenda on which the media base their reporting. ANP also provides a broad portfolio of services to companies outside of the media: thematic news feeds, news monitoring, media analysis, press release distribution, tailor-made photography and video, connecting experts to journalists and the production of creative content.

TT Nyhetsbyrån

TT was founded in 1921 as an independent news agency. Today it is Sweden’s leading news agency, with the Nordic region’s largest offering of texts, images, videos and infographics. TT supplies editorial content to all of Sweden’s major media companies, as well as an image bank, news coverage and press release services to a number of non-media companies and government agencies. The TT group, including the media monitoring company Retriever, has a revenue of 700 million SEK.


With thousands of organisations using our software, XWiki is the leader of professional and collaborative Open Source solutions worldwide. XWiki SAS (France) and XWiki Software SRL (Romania) bring together 50 highly skilled professionals who develop the XWiki software, provide customisations for enterprise customers, and also engage in innovative research projects. XWiki has participated in the STAMP H2020 project, and multiple H2020 projects (RISCOSS, LearnPad, STAMP, FASTEN).